#1 for House Painting in Orleans | 85+ 5-Star Reviews

Explore the best painters in Orleans. Whether you're looking for house painting or commercial painting in Orleans, our trusted team painters have over 35 years of exterior and interior house painting experience.
Striving to be Orleans's most loved painting company since 1987
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House painting Orleans

The All Pro Painters Orleans team is on a mission to create dignified, equitable employment opportunities for our talented team of painters in Orleans. We live by our People-First principles of integrity and have taken the Living Wage pledge - a pledge that ensures none of our staff are never struggling to make ends meet financially. By creating this People-First culture of care, our Orleans painting clients experience a white-glove 5-star experience each and every time. We take every measure to ensure you receive stress-free, high-quality service from a team of Orleans painters who truly care about you and your home.

Residential painting Orleans

Are you looking for professional house painting for your Orleans home? Whether your project involves interior painting or exterior painting, our team of Orleans house painters leverage 35+ years of house painting experience to complete your house painting project with 5-star results that last for years.

Our house painting process includes:

  • Full drop sheet and furniture covering
  • Interior and/or exterior painting
  • Trim painting
Residential painting Orleans

Top rated house painting contractor in Orleans

Interior Painting in Orleans

Interior Painting in Orleans


"From start to finish Borys and his team were prompt and efficient. In early 2024, Borys responded quickly to my inquiry. His team did a great job sanding and re-staining three high ceiling  beams and repainting the ceiling and wall damaged by water. They covered the area with plastic to minimize the dust. Very satisfied with their work" >>> Explore Interior Painting Services

February 26, 2024

Interior Painting Orleans

Interior Painting Orleans

Joseph Radzius

"Very pleased awaiting final completion - nice & professional crew" >>> Explore Interior Painting Ottawa

January 22, 2024

Interior Painting Orleans

Interior Painting Orleans

Francois Hetherington

"I called All Pro Painters to assist in painting a rental unit last as previous contractor was a no show. They were able to accommodate me last minute and the team of painters were clean fast and very professional. This was the best service I have ever had. Thanks All Pro " >>> Explore Interior Painting Ottawa

December 4, 2023
Interior painting Orleans

Interior painting Orleans

Are you looking for interior house painters in Orleans who can paint the interior of your house with a quality-first approach? The All Pro Painters team has painted hundreds of houses in Orleans over several decades, with exceptional reviews and results. Our Orleans house painting services include everything you could possibly need to deliver transformative result for your Orleans home.

Exterior painting Orleans

Exterior house painting in Orleans is one of our most sought after spring and summer painting services - perfect to beautify the home for the best months of the year. Our range of exterior painting services in Orleans includes: deck painting  fence painting, garage door painting, siding painting, roof painting, trim painting, and brick painting.

Exterior painting Orleans

A house painting company in Orleans that you can trust

Insured painters icon

Fully Insured & WSIB Compliant

Feel at ease while we transform your home or business. Fully insured and we never subcontract work.

professional painters icon

35+ Years Combined Experience

Each crew of All Pro Painters has 35+ years of combined professional painting experience.

reliable house painters icon

Fast and reliable communication

Daily progress reports and a direct line of communication to your project manager.

quality house painters icon

Top quality painting products

We only use expert-selected and durable paints that don’t wear when scrubbed.

house painters satisfaction guarantee icon

Backed by the All Pro Promise

All jobs are 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed or we will make it right.

people-first painters icon

We're a People-First company

That means we pay Living Wages, support our community, and always put the needs of our employees & customers first.

House painting services in Orleans

Drywall Repair Ottawa

All Pro Painters repair, replaces, and repaints any type drywall damage in Ottawa so your house looks as good as new.

Fence Painting and Fence Staining Ottawa

Get your metal or wood fence painted and stained in Ottawa to boost curb appeal and extend its life.

#1 for Office Painting Ottawa | 85+5-Star Reviews

Fully certified and professional office painting in Ottawa to brand your office or neutralize colours.

Door Painting Ottawa

Whether your front, interior, or garage door, All Pro Painters will revitalize one of the most high-traffic areas of your Ottawa home.

Roof Painting Ottawa

Increase the value of your home and extend its life with high-fusion roof painting in Ottawa.

Siding Painting Ottawa

Refresh your homes exterior and protect it from the elements with professional siding painting in Ottawa.

#1 for Commercial Painting in Ottawa | 85+ 5-Star Reviews

Explore our commercial painting services in Ottawa - fully-certified and trained in operating commercial equipment.

Kitchen Cabinet Painting Ottawa

Get a quote for our top-rated cabinet painting in Ottawa so your kitchen looks like new again.

#1 for Brick Painting in Ottawa | 85+ 5-Star Reviews

Our Ottawa brick painting service will refresh and seal your house from the elements.

Trim Painting Ottawa

Remove scuffs and brighten the aesthetics of your home with expert trim painting in Ottawa.

Deck Painting and Deck Staining Ottawa

Feel pride this barbecue season and stop deck-rot with our professional deck painting and staining in Ottawa.

Professional house painters in Orleans

house painting team

Borys Maznyi

Borys acquired All Pro Painters in 2020, having been inspired from working and running several local Ottawa ventures. He is proud to lead a team of talented painters with his Living Wage Pledge.

house painting team

Khalil Al Dawahra

In his ninth year at All Pro Painters, Khalil joined the team in 2015 after emigrating to Canada, having formerly been a trades painter in Syria.

house painting team

Dean Moskaluk

A 29-year veteran at All Pro Painters, Dean takes pride in having trained and mentored multiple painters who have gone on to own their own successful painting businesses.

Frequently asked questions about house painting in Orleans

How much does house painting cost in Orleans?

Prices for house painting in Orleans can vary based on a number of factors. such as the surface being painted, the types of repairs that are needed, and the materials we use. For the most accurate quote, we'll offer an on-site consultation to learn more about your goals for the final project and offer a range of approaches that we could take. While pricing will vary from job-to-job, typically we ballpark a standard room from $300 to $700, and a full project from $1,500 to $10,000.

How long do Orleans house painting projects take?

Orleans homes vary from town-sized all the way up to larger luxury homes. Typically, a painting project will take anywhere from three days to ten days, depending on the scope of work. While we can wrap up a single room project in just a day, a full house can take up to ten days and exteriors range between five to ten days.

What paints do you use?

All Pro Painters prides itself in using only premium grade products that result in stunning finishes for all our projects. Typically, we'll recommend professional paints from Benjamin Moore and Sherwin Williams - although it is always the final choice of the client on what we use at a job site.

How many coats of paint do you typically use?

Most of our projects involve at least two coats of paint to ensure a rich finish that stuns in all lighting conditions. This involves two or more coats for interior walls, two or more coats for exteriors (and depending on the surface a priming), and at least one coat for trim.

Will my furniture be safe?

Your comfort while we are adding new life to your walls is of upmost importance to us. Before starting work in any room, our professional painters will cover your floors with dropsheets and protect your furniture with plastic coverings to ensure that your property is safe from paint.

When's the soonest I can book house painting for my Orleans home?

All Pro Painters prides itself on our flexibility in helping you book a paint job that works best with your schedule. Typically, we can book jobs with a turnaround time between the consultation and the start of the project of two or three weeks.

What does your warranty look like?

After every job is done, our team will give you a full walkthrough of the job to ensure everything is done to your highest satisfaction and you are happy with the end result. If you find any non-accidental or environmental damage to our completed work, we'll be happy to come by and do touchups. While we haven't yet seen this happen, all our paints include a two-year warranty in the event of paint failure to cover new paints and touch ups by the crew.

What will the process look like from beginning to end?

All Pro Painters has a carefully structured process to ensure your complete satisfaction, from start to end. This typically looks like:

  • Your consultation is booked. One of our professional painters will meet you on site to go over the scope of work that you are looking for. If you haven't settled on your colours, we can bring resources or send them afterwards to help you find the tone and colours that suit you best.
  • We'll share a complete overview of the job details and cost within 24 hours of our first consultation.
  • After accepting the project and scheduling a start-date, we'll be available to contact directly if you have any questions ahead of the project.
  • On the first day of the project, we'll introduce the team, plan the execution and do a walkthrough with you to align and kickoff the job.
  • Once complete, we'll do a final walkthough of the job to ensure you are completely satisfied with the final work!

Do you do commercial house painting projects in Orleans?

With over thirty-five years of experience on each of our teams, we are equipped to handle most projects, whether residential or commercial. When required, our teams are fully insured and trained on the use of scaffolding and scissor-lifts to get access to areas of a commercial site that require professional machinery.